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The 5G Network roll-out is not the cause of the Corona Virus Covid-19 infection and symptoms and Pastor Chris did not say it is. There is a present day controversy about the ill effects of the 5G Network on living things that hasn't been resolved one way or the other. The proponents of the 5G roll-out are however doing all they can to shut down opposing views and this is not a healthy stand for scientific research and development
The 5G Network roll-out will enable the effective function of the Internet of Things in its fullness, which will include the connection of human beings through microchips implanted in them by a vaccine - ID2020. The implant of a microchip into human beings will make them receptive to radio transmissions through which they can be controlled.
The pandemic caused by the Covid-19 Corona Virus will make people welcome the taking of this vaccine.
The deaths attributed to Covid-19 are mostly because the infected people are not being given any treatment as the infection is said to have no cure. Also most of the deaths are from those that have a compromised immunity system because of previous ailments and FEAR.
The assertion above is based on the fact that more people recover from the infection than those that die despite the fact that "there is presently no cure for the infection".
Furthermore the Chloroquine based treatment that has shown so much positive results in treating the infection is not being promoted despite the very positive test results rather a yet to be fully developed vaccine is being shoved down the throats of people as the only solution, and of course with Africa as the testing ground.
There is a real apprehension that this proposed vaccine will contain a microchip implant for its recipients.
This is a wake up call for Christians to enforce the timing of God in the affairs of men.
Thanks and God bless you.
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