(There Are Benefits To Worshipping God)
👤 Pastor Chris Oyakhilome;
Psalm 96:9-10 “Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness! Tremble before Him, all the earth. Say among the nations, “The LORD reigns; the world also is firmly established, it shall not be moved; He shall judge the peoples righteously.”
Whenever Steven worshipped God, his friends would watch him in amazement. “Why do you worship the way you do? You put your whole being into it as you do, even crying sometimes. What do you really benefit from this?” they asked.
Worship is the recognition, appreciation and confession of the goodness, blessings, kindness and righteousness of God and His character. For example, when you give thanks to God and say, “Lord, you’re good; you’re kind; you’ve blessed me; you’re righteous,” etc., you’re defining, recognising, and appreciating His character. And He loves it when you worship Him like that, because it shows who He is in your life; it separates Him from everyone else and from everything else.
When you thank Him for His goodness, provisions, blessings, and all the wonderful things He’s given you and done for you, you’re attributing those beautiful works to Him. The necessary result is that He’ll do more in your life. Furthermore, worship brings to us a greater revelation of God. This is why we worship God and not men, angels or things. Neither men nor angels have the ability to reveal themselves beyond what they themselves can perceive. But in fellowship, God reveals Himself to you, and in that process, He reveals you to you, and also reveals your value, your future, and His purpose for your life.
Thus, worship is something much more than a boring ritual or mere religious activity. When we worship God, there’s true recognition, perception, and encounter with Deity. When you’re in church and it’s time for worship, or when you worship in your closet, give it your full attention; worship the Lord in reality and with this understanding.
🎯 Go Deeper
Psalm 138:2, John 4:24; Revelation 4:10-11
🔊 Speak
Blessed Lord, I’m totally yielded and committed to you. I appreciate the power of your Word in my life. I’ll always be a success, because my decisions and actions are based on your Word. Your wisdom is at work in me, propelling me in the path of greatness, victories, joy and peace, today and always, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
John 20:19-31, 1 Chronicles 23-25
Mark 15:25-32, Deuteronomy 5
▶️ Act
Spend some time today to worship the Lord.
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